Scholarship Information
Please check this page often, especially as each January approaches.
Scholarships may be added on a weekly basis. Pay special attention to application requirements, criteria, and deadlines. School-specific scholarships can be found by visiting a particular college's website. Apply, apply, apply!
The following scholarship applications are also available from Mr. Bliss: Baxter Memorial Engineering Schol., Burnside Masonics, Byron & Bernice West Schol., Carthage Lions, Clipper Fire Dept., Dallas City Lions, Carthage Eagles and Auxiliary, Hancock County Democratic Women, Hancock County Farm Bureau, Hancock County Republican Women, Hancock County Teen Court, IW Sports Boosters, John Alan Wilde, Jr. Schol., Jacob Burling Schol., Kiwanis/Key Club Schol., Lawton Memorial Fund, Lyle and Clarice Scott Schol., Memorial Hospital HIA and medical staff schol., Myra Green Schol., Rise Above Schol., Riverview Sportsmen, Sherman Tweedt Schol., Sunbeam Corner Schol., Terry White Memorial Schol., Virginia Allison Schol., and the Wanita Partick Scholarship.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Link
Mary Leach Rea Scholarship
For students pursuing either Education degrees or Trade School. Application can be found here.
Amount: $750 Deadline April 15, 2025
Nauvoo Grape Festival Scholarship
Open to all Hancock County Seniors. Application can be found here.
Amount: TBA Deadline: May 5, 2025
Combat Veterans Motorcycle Aux Scholarship
For children of Veterans. Criteria can be found here and application can be found here.
Amount: 2-$500 scholarships are available Deadline: April 15, 2025
Dr. Korte Scholarship
This scholarship is intended for current Hancock County, IL graduating high school students interested in a career in Healthcare or Healthcare Services. This application is open to anyone interested in serving the public with an intention to study any aspect of healthcare. An ideal candidate has a passion for helping others and is interested in supporting rural communities after training. Application can be found here:
Amount: $1,500 Deadline: April 15, 2025
Casey Krieg Scholarship
Open to all IWHS seniors. All questions and entries need to be sent to the email address on the flyer here.
Amount: $1,000 Deadline: April 1, 2025
Minnie White Scholarship
No specific criteria, open to seniors in Hancock County high schools. Application must be submitted to Mr. Bliss by April 2, 2025. Fillable application here.
Amount: $500 Deadline: April 2, 2025
Nightingale/Faber Family Scholarship
Scholarship for students who excel in Math and/or Science and have a demonstrated record of community service activities. Please download the application here, complete, and return to Mr. Bliss. Please, no staples!
Amount: $3,000 Due: April 1
Dr. B.I. & Flora Mueller Scholarship
Selection will be based primarily upon academic performance and leadership ability. Students must be pursuing a career in the health services field. Financial need will be a secondary consideration. Please download the application here, complete, and return to Mr. Bliss. Please, no staples!
Amount: varies Due: April 1
Fred & Helen Gibb Memorial Scholarship
The scholarship is intended to be awarded to the student who has a clear vocational/educational goal and possesses the skills and abilities to achieve that goal. Students must be pursuing a vocational/technical education. Academic performance in high school and financial need are not primary considerations in awarding this scholarship. Please download the application here, complete, and return to Mr. Bliss. Please, no staples!
Amount: varies Due: April 1
Ted Irish Memorial Scholarship
Selection will be based upon academic performance, participation in agricultural activities/organizations, and financial need. Applicants must be going into an agricultural-related career. Please download the application here, complete, and return to Mr. Bliss. Please, no staples!
Amount: varies Due: April 1
Kyle Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Criteria for selection: leadership, friendship, citizenship, service, and character. Finalists will be invited for a personal interview with the scholarship committee. Please download the application here, complete, and return to Mr. Bliss. Please, no staples!
Amount: varies Due: April 1
Edith Blender Memorial Scholarship
Must be a resident of Durham township. Please download the application here, complete, and return to Mr. Bliss. Please, no staples!
Amount: varies Due: April 1
C Dannen Latherow Memorial Scholarship
Criteria for selection: positive personality; academic average of B or better; involvement in school activities; involved in community & church activities; good moral character (willingness to include younger individuals in activities, considerate of others); volunteer/service activities. Finalists will be invited to an interview with the scholarship committee. Please download the application here, complete, and return to Mr. Bliss. Please, no staples!
Amount: varies Due: April 1
Lois Bradshaw Memorial Scholarship
Awarding scholarships to any student attending any institution providing further education of either a collegiate or technical nature. Applicant must be from one of the following townships: LaHarpe, Durham, Fountain Green. Please download the application here, complete, and return to Mr. Bliss. Please, no staples!
Amount: varies Due: April 1
John Markey Scholarship
Must be a resident of Durham Township. Please download the application here, complete, and return to Mr. Bliss. Please, no staples!
Amount: $200 Due: April 1
Jett Brown Memorial Character Scholarship
Open to all seniors at IWHS. Please download the application here, complete, and return to Mr. Bliss. Please, no staples!
Amount: $1,000 Due: April 1
Jett Brown Agriculture Scholarship
Open to seniors pursuing careers in Agriculture. Please download the application here, complete, and return to Mr. Bliss. Please, no staples!
Amount: $1,000 Due: April 1
Memorial Hospital Scholarships
Two different scholarships with one application! Both the HIA and the Medical Staff Scholarships are available through Memorial Hospital. The application can be found here.
Amount: $500 each Deadline: April 1, 2025
Fortress Bank Scholarship
Open to all IWHS seniors. Please download the application here, complete, and return to Mr. Bliss. Please no staples!
Amount: $500 Deadline: April 1, 2025
Illinois Women of Agriculture Scholarships
Four different scholarship opportunities at the link here.
Amount: varies Deadline: March 31, 2025
Hancock County Historical Society Scholarships
3 different scholarships. Please look at each to determine if they are something you would like to do.
1. Olen Smith Memorial Scholarship 2. Historical Society Scholarship 3. HCHS Memorial Scholarship
Amount: $500-$2,500 Deadline: Olen Smith & Historical Society are March 1; HCHS Scholarship is April 1
Warren-Henderson Farm Bureau Scholarship
Now open to Hancock County students. Application is available here.
Amount: varies Deadline: Rolling
Lariat STEM Scholarships
Scholarships available for students pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, or math. Information and application can be found here:
Amount: $6,000-10,000 Deadline: June 15, 2025
Keokuk Area Foundation Scholarships
Multiple scholarship opportunities can be found here. One common application for several scholarships!
Amount: varies Deadline: varies
WIEC Scholarships
The Thomas H. Moore Illinois Electric Cooperative Memorial Scholarship program awards 16 scholarships. Lineworkers scholarships are included, as well as those for member of WIEC services. Eligibility requirements apply. More information and deadlines for each can also be found here.
Amount: varies Deadlines: December 31, 2024 for some, April 30, 2025 for the lineworker's scholarship
Illinois Engineering Initiative Scholarships
Various scholarship opportunities for those pursuing a career in Engineering. Link is here.
Amount: varies Deadline: vary - several scholarships